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Hello world! I'm a self-taught computer programmer currently living in the Bay 
Area. Here's my Github and my blog.

Professional Experience:

  > Biscuit and Chai
    Software Developer
    July 2017 to Present
      NYC-Based Consultancy Firm. We clean up our clients' messes.

  > Phone2Action
    Summer Engineering Fellow
    Arlington, VA
    June 2018 to August 2018
      Digital Advocacy Platform. I mostly wrangled bugs.

  > Playa Blanca Resorts
    Spring 2018

      I made a reservation system for a hotel in Panama in exchange for 3 
      months of free access to the buffet.

  > Lockheed Martin
    Visual Communications Intern
    Orlando, FL
    July 2017 to September 2017

      Major defense contractor. I helped maintain a portion of the company 

I will be attending the Recurse Center's Spring 2 batch in 2019.

  - Python
  - JavaScript (Node + Web Framework du jour)
  - HTML & CSS
  - Ruby
  - PHP
  - Java
  - C#
  - Linux (I run Arch on my laptop)
  - Git
  - Fluent in Spanish, ~B2 French CEFR Level

  - Currently getting my A.S. in Mathematics at De Anza College.
  - Planning on double-majoring in Physics and Mathematics when I transfer to a
    4-year institution.

Other Interests and Hobbies:
  - Machine Learning
  - DIY Electronics
  - Finance
  - Music Production
  - Video Production

You can contact me at yaxelp@gmail.com.